RxJS offers some time operators in the utility category. In this article, we are going to have a look at timeInterval, timestamp, timeout, and timeoutWith.
RxJS timeInterval measures the time between two values
The timeInterval operator emits an object containing not only a value but also the time that has passed since emitting the previous value. The easiest example is probably the one based on interval.
.pipe(take(4), timeInterval())
.subscribe({ next: x => console.log(x), complete: done});
// TimeInterval { value: 0, interval: 1004 }
// TimeInterval { value: 1, interval: 1047 }
// TimeInterval { value: 2, interval: 1010 }
// TimeInterval { value: 3, interval: 1006 }
Be aware that intervals are non-deterministic and it is not always going to be a 1000 ms. Also with rxjs marbles, we can nicely show the behavior. You might notice that the complete notification is not considered:
const timeMeasured$ = cold('100ms a 200ms b 300ms c 400ms |').pipe(
map((v: TimeInterval<string>) => v.interval),
'100ms a 200ms b 300ms c 400ms |',
a: 100,
b: 201,
c: 301,
Also, the emission itself takes 1 ms. Therefore the time between is 201 ms or 301 ms.
RxJS timestamp attaches the datetime to an emission
The timestamp operator simply creates the current date, usually with Date.now()
, and attaches it to the emission. The value emission therefore looks like this: {value: T, timestamp: R}
.pipe(take(4), timestamp())
.subscribe({ next: x => console.log(x), complete: done});
// { value: 1, timestamp: 1702807174323 }
// { value: 2, timestamp: 1702807175327 }
// { value: 3, timestamp: 1702807176335 }
You see in the output the value alongside the UNIX timestamp. Again we can have a look at the situation when using the TestScheduler and marbles:
createTestScheduler().run((helpers) => {
const { expectObservable, cold } = helpers;
const timeStamped$ = cold('100ms a 200ms b 300ms c 400ms |').pipe(
'100ms a 200ms b 300ms c 400ms |',
a: { value: 'a', timestamp: 100 },
b: { value: 'b', timestamp: 301 },
c: { value: 'c', timestamp: 602 },
Thanks to the TestScheduler the time is not based on the AsyncScheduler’s Date.now()
. Time starts at 0 and adds up nicely.
RxJS timeout errors if values do not arrive in time
The timeout operator allows to throw an error should too much time pass until a value is emitted. In the below example, we specify a timeout of 250 ms. Therefore the value c
has no chance of being emitted 300ms after the value b
. Instead, a TimeoutError
is thrown.
const timeout$ = cold('100ms a 200ms b 300ms c 400ms |').pipe(
'100ms a 200ms b 249ms #',
a: 'a',
b: 'b',
new TimeoutError(),
The timeoutWith operator is deprecated and the timeout operator itself offers a with parameter in the TimeoutConfig. This helps us to specify how we want to time out. We can for example define a custom error instead of the TimeoutError
class CustomTimeoutError extends Error {
constructor() {
super('It was too slow');
this.name = 'CustomTimeoutError';
createTestScheduler().run((helpers) => {
const { expectObservable, cold } = helpers;
const timeout$ = cold('100ms a 200ms b 300ms c 400ms |').pipe(
each: 250,
with: () => throwError(() => new CustomTimeoutError())
'100ms a 200ms b 249ms #',
a: 'a',
b: 'b',
new CustomTimeoutError(),
Note that we have to pass a TimeoutConfig object in this case where the timeout value is defined in the each
Exercise for the RxJS timeout operator 💪
The timeout operator not only allows to specify a custom error in the with
parameter. But it also enables us to switch to a different Observable entirely. That way we can switch to a faster Observable on timeout. This is exactly the task for you. When the timeout occurs you should replace the Observable with something that fulfills the below marbles diagram:
const timeout$ = cold('100ms a 200ms b 300ms c 400ms |').pipe(
each: 250,
with: // your code
'100ms a 200ms b 249ms c 100ms |',
a: 'a',
b: 'b',
c: 'c'
This post is part of the RxJS mastery series. As always the code examples can be found on GitHub.